Dr Gianfranco Polizzi, Researcher, Jubilee Centre, University of Birmingham
The following recently published papers stem from research undertaken by Dr Polizzi either during his PhD (completed at LSE) on digital literacy and civic engagement, or from his current work at the Jubilee Centre, University of Birmingham, on cyber-wisdom / digital citizenship.
PhD work at LSE
→‘I have recently had an article, which can be accessed here (and here), published in New Media & Society. This is a theoretical piece in which, on the basis of the theoretical framework that I used in my PhD work, I conceptualise critical digital literacy as incorporating users’ utopian/dystopian imaginaries of society in the digital age. I argue that such an approach may facilitate richer analysis of the ways in which critical digital literacy contributes to civic engagement.’
Current work at the Jubilee Centre, University of Birmingham
→‘Here is a report that is concerned with digital citizenship education, framed in ways that overlap with what we call cyber-wisdom education (see here for details about the school intervention that we are rolling out across a few schools in England). In this research output, which predates and sets the scene for the intervention, we report the findings from two surveys that we conducted to explore the extent to which both adolescents and parents understand the importance of, and act on, wisdom and character virtues in the digital age. Relatedly, here is a blog post that summarises key findings from the report.’
→This article, published in Education and Information Technologies, focuses more closely on findings from a survey with adolescents.
In addition to the above papers, Dr Polizzi also submitted this piece of written evidence on digital citizenship education, to the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee. This evidence has been quoted in the Committee report here and used for an LSE blog post on the intersection of media literacy and citizenship education here.
Direct Links
New Media & Society article – http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/110407/
New Media & Society article – https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/14614448211018609
Report on Digital Citizenship Education – https://www.jubileecentre.ac.uk/userfiles/jubileecentre/Final%20PDF%20Cyber%20Wisdom%20Report%20v2.pdf
Cultivating Cyber-Phronesis – https://www.jubileecentre.ac.uk/2909/projects/cultivating-cyber-phronesis
New findings and new directions for digital citizenship education – https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/parenting4digitalfuture/2021/09/01/cyber-wisdom/
Drawing on moral theory to advance digital citizenship education – https://link.springer.com/Adolescents and parents both value wisdom in the digital age: new findings and new directions for digital citizenship educationarticle/10.1007/s10639-021-10710-0
Digital Citizenship – https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/36635/pdf/
Intersection of media literacy and citizenship education – https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/medialse/2021/04/27/two-parallel-but-disconnected-tracks-bridging-media-literacy-and-citizenship-education/